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Sunday, September 5, 2010

Marketing Strategies Of Coca Cola

The Mission Statement of the Coca Cola Company
Our mission statement is to maximize shareowner value over time.
In order to achieve this mission, we must create value for all the constraints we serve,
including our consumers, our customers, our bottlers, and our communities. The Coca Cola
Company creates value by executing comprehensive business strategy guided by six key
1. Consumer demand drives everything we do.
2. Brand Coca Cola is the core of our business
3. We will serve consumers a broad selection of the nonalcoholic ready-to–drink
beverages they want to drink through out the day.
4. We will be the best marketers in the world.
5. We will think and act locally.
6. We will lead as a model corporate citizen.
The ultimate objectives of our business strategy are to increase volume, expand our
share of worldwide nonalcoholic ready to drink beverages sales, maximize our longterm
cash flows, and create economic value added by improving economic profit.
The Coca Cola system has more than 16 million customers around the world that sells or
serves our products directly to consumers. We keenly focus on enhancing value for these
customers and helping them grow their beverage businesses. We strive to understand
each customer’s business and needs, whether that customer is a sophisticated retailer in a
developed market a kiosk owner in an emerging market.
There are nearly 6 million people in the world who are potential consumers of our
company’s product. Ultimately, our success in achieving our mission depends on our ability
to satisfy more of their beverage consumption demands and our ability to add value for
customers. We achieve this when we place the right products in the right markets at the
right time.

Marketing Strategies Of
Coca Cola
Sami Ullah Khan 27s-640
1. Acknowledgement.
2. Mission statement
3. Introduction.
4. Coca Cola.
a. Coca Cola International.
b. History.
5. Management.
6. Market share.
7. Financial report.
8. Dividends and Cash Plan.
9. Products.
10.Strategic planning.
11.Bottlers owned by Coca cola
12.Coca Cola Pakistan.
13.Major Competitors
a. Pepsi
b. History.
c. Financial assets.
· Market share.
· Financial report.
· Products.
· Methodology
14.Some basic information regarding marketing of coke
a. Target market:
b. Major segments:
c. Factors effecting sales:
d. Major competitors:
e. Strategies of quality:
f. Threats from competitors:
g. Targets that would like to attain:
h. Expanding target market
i. Threats and opportunities for price:
j. Strategies of getting goals i.e. “high profits”:
k. Marketing strategy:
l. Expectations for the coming year:
m. How coke determine the yearly budget:
15.Marketing strategies
16.Pest analysis
This report is dedicated
to my beloved parents,
Who educated me and enabled me
to reach at this level.
We think if any of us honestly reflects on who we are, how we got here, what we think we
might do well, and so forth, we discover a debt to others that spans written history. The
work of some unknown person makes our lives easier everyday. We believe it's appropriate
to acknowledge all of these unknown persons; but it is also necessary to acknowledge
those people we know have directly shaped our lives and our work.
First of all we would like to thank our teacher Mr. Muhammad Shafique for their guidance
through out the semester.
Then we would like to thank our friend and brother Mr. Zeeshan Anjum for providing us the
information that was required for completion of this project.
The Mission Statement of the Coca Cola Company
Our mission statement is to maximize shareowner value over time.
In order to achieve this mission, we must create value for all the constraints we serve,
including our consumers, our customers, our bottlers, and our communities. The Coca Cola
Company creates value by executing comprehensive business strategy guided by six key
1. Consumer demand drives everything we do.
2. Brand Coca Cola is the core of our business
3. We will serve consumers a broad selection of the nonalcoholic ready-to–drink
beverages they want to drink through out the day.
4. We will be the best marketers in the world.
5. We will think and act locally.
6. We will lead as a model corporate citizen.
The ultimate objectives of our business strategy are to increase volume, expand our
share of worldwide nonalcoholic ready to drink beverages sales, maximize our longterm
cash flows, and create economic value added by improving economic profit.
The Coca Cola system has more than 16 million customers around the world that sells or
serves our products directly to consumers. We keenly focus on enhancing value for these
customers and helping them grow their beverage businesses. We strive to understand
each customer’s business and needs, whether that customer is a sophisticated retailer in a
developed market a kiosk owner in an emerging market.
There are nearly 6 million people in the world who are potential consumers of our
company’s product. Ultimately, our success in achieving our mission depends on our ability
to satisfy more of their beverage consumption demands and our ability to add value for
customers. We achieve this when we place the right products in the right markets at the
right time.
Coca-Cola Enterprises, established in 1986, is a young company by the
standards of the Coca-Cola system. Yet each of its franchises has a strong
heritage in the traditions of Coca-Cola that is the foundation for this Company.
The Coca-Cola Company traces it’s beginning to 1886, when an Atlanta
pharmacist, Dr. John Pemberton , began to produce Coca-Cola syrup for sale in
fountain drinks. However the bottling business began in 1899 when two
Chattanooga businessmen, Benjamin F. Thomas and Joseph B. Whitehead ,
secured the exclusive rights to bottle and sell Coca-Cola for most of the United
States from The Coca-Cola Company.
The Coca-Cola bottling system continued to operate as independent, local
businesses until the early 1980s when bottling franchises began to consolidate.
In 1986, The Coca-Cola Company merged some of its company-owned
operations with two large ownership groups that were for sale, the John T.
Lupton franchises and BCI Holding Corporation's bottling holdings, to form
Coca-Cola Enterprises Inc. The Company offered its stock to the public on
November 21, 1986, at a split-adjusted price of $5.50 a share. On an annual
basis, total unit case sales were 880,000 in 1986.
In December 1991, a merger between Coca-Cola Enterprises and the Johnston
Coca-Cola Bottling Group, Inc. (Johnston) created a larger, stronger Company,
again helping accelerate bottler consolidation. As part of the merger, the senior
management team of Johnston assumed responsibility for managing the
Company, and began a dramatic, successful restructuring in 1992.Unit case
sales had climbed to 1.4 billion, and total revenues were $5 billion
T h e hierarchy of Coca Cola Company is as follows.
Being the biggest company in the soft drink industry, Coca Cola enjoys the largest market
share. This company controls about 59% of the world market.
The following table can show the worldwide operating segments.
Unit case growth Nonalcoholic
All commercial
10 year
compound annual
5-year compound
annual growth
2001 annual
2002 2002
Industry Compan
Industry Compan
Industry Company
y share
y per
6% 5% 5% 5% 4% 4% 18% 9% 70
Board of governors
Vice Chairman and chief operating officer
Executive Vice Presidents
Senior Vice Presidents
Vice Presidents
This shows that the market of the company is geographically vast and it is controlling it with
great success. In 2002, the company grew their carbonated soft-drink business by nearly
250 million unit cases and generated record volumes. Because carbonated soft drinks are
the largest growth segment within the nonalcoholic ready-to-drink beverage category
measured by volume, that is why they are focusing more on this and they are continually
increasing the pace because they know that accelerating this pace is crucial to their future
success. Thus they are increasing their market day by day. The operation income earned
by Coca Cola Company can be illustrated by the following pie chart.
This strategy has worked a lot and it has helped them to become the World’s leading Soft
Drink Company. The global unit sale of the Coca Cola Company is increasing from the last
ten years. The data of the global unit sale of the Coca Cola Company can be represented
by following chart.
1971 1981 1991 2002
unit sale in billions
So there is positive growth in the market of the Coca Cola Company. There is a worldwide
volume increase by 4% with strong international growth of 5%. This is only due to the
innovative marketing programmers, which has deepened the relationship of the customers
and Coca Cola. The financial health and success of their bottling partners is a critical
component of The Coca-Cola Company's ability to build and deliver leading brands.
In 2002, the company had worked with their bottlers to turn good intentions into reality by
improving the system economics. The results in 2002 reflect this steadily improving and
mutually constructive relationship between the Company and their bottling partners. The
main reason behind this relationship is to continue realizing shared opportunities for
growth, with closer coordination of operations including customer relationships, logistics
and production.
Coca Cola is the world-renowned soft drink and the company is currently operating through
out the world. The world wide total is about 17.8 billion.
The operation review according to the segments is as follows.
Operation Review
(2002 worldwide unit case volume by operating segment)
30% 25% 22% 17% 6%
So the volume is least in the Africa and most in the North America. The data about the
market share of this company area wise is given in the following table.
The above table shows the geographical earning of the Coca Cola Company and from this
data; we can find out that the customers of Coca Cola are increasing which is shown by the
company’s per capita income. Unit case equals 24 eight-ounce servings. The column,
which shows the non-alcoholic beverages consist of commercially, sold beverages, as
estimated by the Company based on available industry sources. The country column is
derived from
The Company's unit case volume while the industry column includes nonalcoholic ready-todrink
beverages only, as estimated by the Company based on available industry sources.
Country Unit case growth Nonalcoholi
All commercial
10 year
compound annual
5-year compound
annual growth
2002 annual
2002 2002
Industry Compan
Industry Compan
Industry Compan
y share
y share
per capita
4 5 3 3 2 2 22 15 398
4 5 3 3 2 2 23 16 419
6 7 6 6 3 4 24 15 205
7 4 6 2 7 2 20 10 236
Brazil 5 5 3 6 3 5 23 13 144
Chile 9 6 5 3 (2) 3 56 23 336
Mexico 7 10 8 9 2 5 22 18 462
& Middle
6 3 5 3 2 4 12 6 72
Eurasia 17 8 6 5 (14) 1 14 5 39
France 8 3 9 3 7 3 9 5 110
1 2 (1) 1 (6) 1 14 7 193
8 2 11 2 8 3 17 6 193
Italy 1 3 4 3 2 2 9 6 104
12 12 7 5 4 8 8 3 17
Spain 6 4 8 5 4 4 17 12 264
Asia 7 6 6 7 10 7 14 5 23
Africa 7 6 8 3 10 6 34 11 34
In Asian population, which is the satisfied customer of Coca Cola, is approximately 3.2
billion and the average consumer enjoys close to two servings of our products each month.
Through an intense focus on Coca-Cola, innovation and new beverages, the company has
achieved volume growth of 10 percent in 2002. With developing economies and
populations, this region has strong long-term potential, and the company is building an
exciting family of beverage brands in addition to expanding the popularity of our core
brands, led by Coca-Cola. In China, for example, sales of Coca-Cola increased 6 percent.
The total unit case sale of Coca Cola in Asia can be shown by the following pie chart.
So the company is emphasizing more in this area and is trying to develop a strategy, which
can increase the growth of the consumption of Coca Cola by the people of Asia. Among the
countries of Asia, Japan has the highest percentage, which is about 29%. Among others,
Pakistan, India and Bangladesh are those countries where the average consumption is
increasing day by day.
This company is financially very strong. It is due to the strong finances, the company is still
surviving the ups and down of the business world. The financial report of Coca Cola
Company of the year 2001 and 2000 along with the percentage change is as follows.
Year Ended December 31,
(In millions except per share data, ratios and growth rates)
2002 2001 Percentage
Net operating revenues 20,092 19,889 1%
Operating income 5,352 3,691 45%
Net income 3,969 2,177 82%
Net income per share (basic) 1.601 0.882 82%
Net income per share (diluted) 1.601 0.882 82%
Net cash provided by operating activities 4,110 3,585 15%
Business reinvestment (963) (779) 24%
Dividends paid (1,791) (1,685) 6%
Share repurchase activity (277) (133) 108%
Free cash flow 3,147 2,806 12%
Return on capital 26.6% 16.2% -
Return on common equity 38.5% 23.1% -
Unit case sales (in billions)
International operations 12.5 11.9 5%
North America operations 5.3 5.2 2%
Worldwide 17.8 17.1 4%
2002 basic and diluted net income per share includes a non-cash gain of $.02 per share
after taxes, which was recognized on the issuance of stock by Coca-Cola Enterprises Inc.,
one of the equity investors of this company.
2002 basic and diluted net income per share includes the following charges:
· $.24 per share after income taxes related to an organizational Realignment.
· $.19 per share after income taxes related to the Company's portion of charges
recorded by the investors of the company.
· $.16 per share after income taxes related to the impairment of certain bottling,
manufacturing and intangible assets.
· $.05 per share after income taxes related to the settlement terms of a discrimination
· $.01 per share after income taxes related to incremental marketing expenses in
Central Europe.
These charges are partially offset by a gain of $.05 per share after income taxes related to
the merger of Coca-Cola Beverages plc and Hellenic Bottling Company S.A. and $.04 per
share after income taxes related to benefits from a tax rate reduction in Germany and from
favorable tax planning strategies.
The Dividend and Cash Investment Plan permits shareowners of record to reinvest
dividends from Company stock in shares of The Coca-Cola Company. The Plan provides a
convenient, economical and systematic method of acquiring additional shares of our
common stock. All shareowners of record are eligible to participate. Shareowners also may
purchase Company stock through voluntary cash investments of up to $125,000 per year.
At year-end, 76 percent of the Company's shareowners of record were participants in the
Plan. In 2002, shareowners invested $36 million in dividends and $31 million in cash in the
The statistics of this company is impressive. Since it is operating through out the world that
is why the number of employees and the bottling equipments is highest among the other
bottling companies. There is a constant increase in every aspect when we compare the
statistics of 2001 and the statistics of 2002. This is because; Coca Cola Company is
increasing its volume day by day. The expansion of this company, which shows the
success of Coca Cola brands, results in the percentage change in the statistics of the two
years. The statistics is as follows.
2002ª 2001
Equivalent cases 4.2 billion 3.8 billion
Bottle and cans 87% 87%
Fountain 13% 13%
Employees 72,000 67,000
Vehicles 54,000 52,000
Cold drink equipments 2.4 million 2.3 million
Production only 25 25
Distribution 385 361
Combination 53 50
Total 463 436
Percent of North America population coverage 80% 72%
Number of States of Operation 46 46
Bottle and can equivalent case package distribution
Cans 44% 45%
Non-refillable bottles 52% 51%
Refillable bottles 4% 4%
Capital structure
Net debt to total capital ratio 63% 59%
EBITDA interest coverage 3 3
Weighted average cost of debt 6.3% 6.8%
Key Statistics
Constant territory bottle and can volume growth 3% ½%
Bottle and can net revenues per case change Flat 2%
Bottle and can cost of sales per physical case
1 ½%
Reported EBITDA (in billions) $1.95 $2.39
Reported EBITDA change (18)% 9%
Capital expenditures( in billions) $0.97 $1.18
%-age of net operating revenues 6% 8%
Coverage of North American Can/bottle volume 83% 74%
EBITDA is the Earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation, and amortization,
and other non-operating items.
· Net Debt is the Long-term debt plus current portion of long-term debt less
cash and marketable securities.
· Equivalent Case or Unit Case is the physical case and fountain gallons
converted to a standard unit of measure defined as 24 eight-ounce
servings or 192 ounces per equivalent case sold by Coca-Cola
There are different brands of the Coca Cola Company, which are currently in use through
out the world. This company not only deals in the carbonated drinks but also other drinks.
While launching its product, the marketing team considers the culture of the country.
Major brands of coca cola
· Coke
· Sprite
· Fanta
· Diet coke
· Coke classic
The over all volume of this company is as follows.
The commitment of the company is to devote resources to water only in markets where it
expects profitable growth. This strategy has paid dividends. The company has successfully
applied it’s approach to brands in several key markets, including Ciel in Mexico, Mori No
Mizudayori in Japan, Bonaqua in Russia and Kinley in India. Backed by a strong network of
bottling partners through out the United States, Dasani became the nation's fastest-growing
water brand. In Eurasia, the entire Turkuaz brand team worked together to launch Turkey's
first purified water brand. This year, Coca-Cola Company also successfully energized a
major piece of its beverage strategy—water. By the end of 2001, it’s bottled water volume
exceeded 570 million unit cases, making it the second biggest contributor to the growth of
the company after carbonated soft drinks. Three of the water brands, Dasani, Ciel and
Bonaqua each achieved sales of over 100 million unit cases for the year.
In 2001and 2002, the company has also made good progress in coffees and teas.
Beverage Partners Worldwide, the renewed and strengthened marketing partnership with
Nestlé S.A., began operations in 2001. This partnership combines Nestlé's knowledge in
life science, research and development with the expertise of Coca Cola Company in brand
building and distribution.
At the same time, the company grew Georgia coffee in Japan by 3 percent through awardwinning
marketing in a category that was flat for the year. Also in Japan—where The Coca-
Cola Company is the leader in the total tea category, the second-largest category in the
non-alcoholic ready-to-drink segment—it launched Marocha Green Tea. With sales of 46
million unit cases for the year, Marocha Green Tea is the fastest-growing product in the
fastest-growing category: green tea. The popularity of Marocha is also recognized by the
industry with a leading trade journal naming Marocha the most popular new food and
beverage product of the year.
Know the most recognized word on
the planet after “OK”!
Among the soft drinks Fanta and Sprite become successful along with the major brand
Coca Cola and Diet Coke. In key markets, the company has created new packaging sizes
to satisfy consumer demands.
Increasingly, Mexican families have lunch together at home. The average Mexican
household drinks two-and-a-half liters or more of soft drinks during that break, while a twoliter
bottle was the largest available package. So the company introduced a convenient 2-½
liter bottle to select regions, contributing to the sale of nearly 1.5 billion unit cases of Coca-
Cola in Mexico this year. This larger bottle will complete its nationwide rollout in 2002. In
China, Coca-Cola is an integral part of holiday celebrations and the family get-togethers
that accompany such events. Through an intense focus on Coca-Cola, innovation and new
beverages, it has achieved volume growth of 10 percent in 2001. In China, sales of Coca-
Cola increased by 6 percent. In the United States, recognizing that consumers often enjoy
their diet Coke with a slice of lemon, the company "bottled" the concept. The result—diet
Coke with lemon—contributed to volume growth of 4 percent for the number-one diet.
Soft drink in North America: diet Coke. The company increased its two largest bottle sizes
during the 2001 holidays, and festival packaging helped drive a 6 percent volume increase
for Coca-Cola. The packaging innovations do not just involve resizing. The company has
also responded to consumers' changing fashion styles with new bottles.
With brands such as Minute Maid, Hi-C, Simply Orange and Disney juices and juice
drinks in the United States, Qoo in Asia, Kapo in Latin America and Bibo in Africa.
This year, the company re-launched its global sports-drink business, investing in new
products, packaging, positioning and marketing. The results speak for themselves: it’s
global sports drinks, led by Powerade and Aquarius, grew by 13 percent in 2002, nearly
double the growth rate of the worldwide sports-drink category. Revitalized in the United
States, the company introduced Powerade in nearly every major Western European
market, including Great Britain, Germany and Spain, as well as in Mexico and Latin
America. The company launched 27 products in 2001.
The commitment of the company to packaging innovation also resulted in new initiatives for
our fountain business, a channel through which many consumers enjoy Coca-Cola. In the
United States, the company developed Fountain, a total beverage dispensing system that
is more flexible and more reliable. Two years of research resulted in a dispensing system
that provides exceptional beverage quality, easy to upgrade technology, brand and graphic
customization and improved reliability.
In the year 2002, the company had a great success, as the strategy worked which resulted
in making Coca Cola Company the world’s leading company. In 2001, company
accomplished the crust of it’s strategy as
· Worldwide volume increased by 4 percent with strong international growth of 5
percent and clear signs that our North American business is growing solidly and
· Earnings per share grew by 82 percent, as we delivered on our commitment to
create volume growth while aggressively
· Return on common equity grew from 23 percent in 2000 to 38 percent this year.
· Return on capital increased from 16 percent in 2000 to 27 percent in 2001.
· The company has generated free cash flow of $3.1 billion, up from $2.8 billion in
2000, a clear indication of its underlying financial strength.
The strategy for the future of the company is very straightforward. The marketing strategy
for the year 2002 is as follows,
· Accelerate carbonated soft-drink growth, led by Coca-Cola.
· Selectively broaden the family of beverage brands to drive profitable growth.
· Grow system profitability and capability together with our bottling partners.
· Serve customers with creativity and consistency to generate growth across all
· Direct investments to highest potential areas across markets.
· Drive efficiency and cost-effectiveness everywhere.
PepsiCo is a world leader in convenient foods and beverages, with revenues of about $27
billion and over 143,000 employees. The company consists of the snack businesses of
Frito-Lay North America and Frito-Lay International; the beverage businesses of Pepsi-
Cola North America, Gatorade/Tropicana North America and PepsiCo Beverages
International; and Quaker Foods North America, manufacturer and marketer of ready-to-eat
cereals and other food products. PepsiCo brands are available in nearly 200 countries and
Many of PepsiCo's brand names are over 100-years-old, but the corporation is relatively
young. PepsiCo was founded in 1965 through the merger of Pepsi-Cola and Frito-Lay.
Tropicana was acquired in 1998 and PepsiCo merged with The Quaker Oats Company,
including Gatorade, in 2001.would entertain the listener with the latest musical selections
rendered by violin or piano or both. The new name, “Pepsi Cola”, is derived from the two of
the principle ingredients, Pepsin and Kola Nuts. It was first used on the August 28. At that
time, Bradham’s advertising praises his drink as “Exhilarating, invigorating, aids digestion”.
The advertisement of the Pepsi changes to, “You got the right one baby, Uh-Huh!”.With the
extensive usage of the stars in the adds, the popularity of Pepsi increase. In 1992 Pepsi-
Cola formed a partnership with Thomas J. Lipton Co. Today Lipton is the biggest selling
ready-to-drink tea brand in the United States. Outside the United States, Pepsi-Cola
Company's soft drink operations include the business of Seven-Up International. Pepsi-
Cola beverages are available in more than 190 countries and territories.
In Asia, they selected Lahore to make their regional office. This was done in 1970. This
regional office is monitoring all the operations carried out in South West Asia. As in
Pakistan, they only entered beverage industry. They have eleven bottlers covering whole
Pakistan. The plant operating here is Riaz Bottlers (Pvt) LTD. This plant was established at
Lahore in 1974. The total capacity of the plant is 30,000 cases per day. They have four
filling lines in the plant operating on the three shift bases. Each shift is of eight hours. They
have permanent work force of 750 people and they employee approximately 1000 people
more on temporary basis during summer season.
Pepsi’s Products
· Pepsi
· Teem
· Mirinda
· Pepsi Max
· Pepsi Lemon
· Pepsi Blue
· Mountain Dew
· 7up
The Coca-Cola Company began operating in Pakistan in 1953. Coca-Cola, Fanta and
Sprite are the brands in Pakistan. The Coca-Cola System in Pakistan operates through
eight bottlers, four of which are majority-owned by Coca-Cola Beverages Pakistan Limited
(CCBPL). The CCBPL plants are in Karachi, Hyderabad, Sialkot, Gujranwala, Faisalabad,
Rahimyar Khan, Multan and Lahore. The remaining two plants, independently owned, are
in Rawalpindi and Peshawar. The Coca-Cola System in Pakistan serves 70,000
customers/retail outlets. The Coca-Cola System in Pakistan employs 1,800 people. During
the last two years, The Coca-Cola System in Pakistan has invested over $130 million (U.S.)
49 years of refreshment in Pakistan
Coca-Cola introduced in Pakistan 1953
Fanta introduced in Pakistan 1965
Sprite was introduced 1972
Diet Coke & Fanta Lemon 2001
The basic proposition of our business is simple, solid and timeless. When we bring
refreshment, value, joy and fun to our stakeholders, then we successfully nurture and
protect our brands, particularly Coca-Cola. That is the key to fulfilling our ultimate obligation
to provide consistently attractive returns to the owners of our business.
Coke’s commercials basically based on young generations, So, the young generation is the
target market of Coke because they want to represent Coke with the youth and energy but
they also consider about the old people they take then as a co-target market.
Major segments are basically those people who take this drink daily and those areas where
the demands is higher then the other areas. There are so many people who take this drink
daily and those people who take weekly and those who take less often are always there as
well. So, their basic segments are those people who take this drink regularly.
There are so many factors, which affects the sale of coke. Here we are discussing three
major factors which effects coke.
· Per capita income
· Competitors
· Weather
Per Capita Income
First we will discuss about “ Per capita income”. This is major factor that affects the sale of
this soft drink. Because which every passing year budgets are becoming very strict and
tight in order to purchase things. So the disposable incomes of the people are coming
down. They spend heavily on rents, utilities, and education and basic necessities and after
that when they get extra money they think about this soft drink .So the decreasing per
capita income effects badly in selling and production of this soft drink.
And to get through with this difficulty there is need to increase the level of per capita
income of Pakistan because it is much lesser than the rest of the countries.
Coke’s major competitor is “PEPSI” and there is no hesitation to say this because every
one knows that and all the other cold drinks and water, coffee, tea are the competitors.
Weather is the third major factor in effecting the Coke’s selling. This is underdeveloped
market so the coke’s consumption in summers is 60% and in winters is 40%.
First of all the majority don’t care that what they are going to have. In other words, they
don’t care before drinking that whether it is “Pepsi” or “coke”. They don’t actually
differentiate between these two brands in order to their tastes.
Consumers basically drink what they get.
They believe on “WHAT COLD THEY SOLD”
Consumer’s availability in brands is basically works like:
Push availability
Pull consumer’s demand.
For this reason Coca-Cola have provided their coolers and freezers in the market. They
have maximum number of coolers and freezers in the market. They provide this
infrastructure free of cost just to provide child coke to their customer, which they want to be
Their salesman and mechanics regularly visit all the shops where coke has its
infrastructure to check that either it is in proper condition or not, if not then they immediately
change or repair it.
Consumers firstly decide that they are going to have a soft drink. Then they compete
brands with each other. Like they compete Coke with Pepsi and Sprite with 7up and
team .So the major competitor of Coke is Pepsi.
When they motivate to any other brand or on Coke it’s in instinct basically that based on
messages derive certain feelings.
But Coca Cola thinks in a different way, they believe that RC Cola, new coming AMRAT
Cola, and all juices, even they take water and tea as their competitors.
After Micro and macro analysis Brand “coke” is primarily role
1. Enhance competition moments
2. When people watch cricket
3. Through commercialization
4. Fun time
Though these strategies there could be better understanding and better connection with the
public. These are the “key consumption”.
Threats are well planned. Price is the major threat. When price goes certain beyond the
exact price whether come down or go higher its effects the consumption of soft drink.
Because when the price go higher people go for the substitute of “coke” i.e. Pepsi.
And when price goes down they think that there is must be some thing wrong in it.
In short it all depends on customer’s perception.
Every organization runs on the bases of profit maximization so Coke is also looking for a
high profit margin.
There are three major ways of making money
· Over night profit
· Windfall profit
· Ethical and un-ethical ways
Over Night Profits
They could be over night profit that is for the number 1 brand for the year. This could be got
my increasing sales volume
Windfall Profit
Can be windfall profit. They are the extras profit. When the consumption the consumption is
on boom. So, there is different kind of profits.
Ethical And Unethical Ways
Profit can also get through ethical and unethical ways. They believe on this quote
“ Every thing is fare in love and war”.
Some profits stays for some time like “over night profits” and some just come and go like
“wind fall profits”. And they can also get profit through different approaches.
In last 2 years Coke has come back in aggressive manner.
· Consumer has choice
· Attractive brand name
· Brand differentiating
Consumer Has Got Choice
Now the consumer has got choice. Because now they know the name of another big brand,
though coke is the 2nd best name but it can get a better position after some time
Attractive Brand Name
Now the consumers know the Name of Coke, because Coke is the name, which is the most
popular after the word “ok”. So people can better differentiate brands with each other.
Brand Differentiation
Now different companies have got different brand names. So, people can distinguish
between brands. Two major brands “coke” and “Pepsi” also have brand names.
Coca Cola’s Brand
Coca cola is “US” brand. Because they believe in the togetherness, being people together
and friends are being together. Coca Cola strongly believes that Pakistani temperament is
“US” not “ME”
Pepsi’s Brand
Pepsi’s brand is basically is basically “ME” branded. They use the temperament of “ME”. In
contrast to Coke they believe on individual struggle.
If Coke is considered a luxury product. Then there is the tax rate system
15% - sales tax
20% - excise duty
27% - goes to government
03% - In making Budget
After paying all these taxes coke has to pay electricity charges. We have to spend on
distributions. After paying all these expenses Coke’s margin squeezed and consumers
have to pay for increasing tariffs.
These are the opportunities through which we can increase the price and can get profits.
There are much more threats in increasing prices. Because same problem of substitute. If
Coke increase the price lets say 1 rupee. Then people definitely won’t go for coke. They
have the best substitute of Coke that is Pepsi. So these are the threats in increasing prices.
Coke will lose the margin of its profit and can face loss.
To increase the price is the least thing, which Coke can adopt. There are so many ways
through which Coke can increase the profits. Some major ways are as follows.
· Volume can be increased
· Interest level of consumers
· To take part in energetic festivals
How to increase the volume of consumers?
Coke can increase the volume by expanding the industry of coke. Through advertisements,
offering different interesting things to attract people towards this product.
How to increase the interest level of consumers?
Coke is increasing the interest level of consumers by offering different flavors.
For example Coke is increasing the number of flavors in “Fanta”, this is one of the product
of coke. Through offering different flavors Coke can increase the Level of consumers and
through this profits can be gained.
How to take part in energetic festivals?
Coke is already taking part in the festival like “Basant” since last 3 years. Coke offers
different attractive things in their festival and through this Coke gained high profit and
consumption of coke increased on these occasions.
And this year in this year 2002 people were anxiously waiting that what interesting thing
coke is going to offer.
Our local marketing strategy enables Coke to listen to all the voices around the world
asking for beverages that span the entire spectrum of tastes and occasions. What people
want in a beverage is a reflection of who they are, where they live, how they work and play,
and how they relax and recharge. Whether you're a student in the United States enjoying a
refreshing Coca-Cola, a woman in Italy taking a tea break, a child in Peru asking for a juice
drink, or a couple in Korea buying bottled water after a run together, we're there for you.
We are determined not only to make great drinks, but also to contribute to communities
around the world through our commitments to education, health, wellness, and diversity.
Coke strives to be a good neighbor, consistently shaping our business decisions to improve
the quality of life in the communities in which we do business. It's a special thing to have
billions of friends around the world, and we never forget it.
Product Range
The total range of Coca Cola company in Pakistan includes:
· Coke.
· Sprite.
· Fanta.
· Diet Coke.
And company offers their products in different bottle sizes these includes:
· SSRB (standers size returnable bottle)
· LRB (litter returnable bottle)
· NRB (no return bottle) or disposable bottle
· PET 1.5 (1.5 litter plastic bottle)
· CANS (tin pack 330 ml)
Coca cola products are available in different packing
· 24 regular bottle shell
· 6 bottle pack for 1.5 pets
· 12 bottles in a pack for disposable bottle
· 24 cans in one pack.
Trade Promotion
Coca cola company gives incentives to middle men or retailers in way a that they offer
them free samples and free empty bottles, by this these retailers and middle man push their
product in the market. And that’s why coca cola seen more in the market. And they have a
good sale in the market because according to the expert which product seen more in the
market that sells more.
“Seen as sold”
They do agreements with a shop keepers and stores to exclusive sale in that stores. These
stores are called as KEY accounts in their local language.
And coke also invest heavy budget on these stores and offers them free samples and free
bottles and some time cash incentives.
Different Price In Different Seasons
Some times Coca Cola Company change their product prices according to the season.
Summer is supposed to be a good season for beverage industry in Pakistan.
So in winter they reduce their prices to maintain their sales and profit. But normally they
reduce the prices of their pet bottles or 1 litter glass bottle.
Getting shelves
They gets or purchase shelves in big departmental stores and display their products in that
shelves in that style which show their product more clear and more attractive for the
Eye Catching Position
Salesman of the coca cola company positions their freezers and their products in eyecatching
positions. Normally they keep their freezers near the entrance of the stores.
Sale Promotion
Company also do sponsorships with different college and school’s cafes and sponsors their
sports events and other extra curriculum activities for getting market share.
UTC Scheme
UTC mean under the crown scheme, coca cola often do this type of scheme and they offer
very handy prizes in it. Like once they offer bicycles, caps, tv sets, cash prizes etc. This
scheme is very much popular among children.
Coca Cola Company makes two types of selling
Direct selling
Indirect selling
Direct Selling
In direct selling they supply their products in shops by using their own transports. They
have almost 450 vehicles to supply their bottles. In this type of selling company have more
profit margin.

Indirect Selling
They have their whole sellers and agencies to cover all area. Because it is very difficult for
them to cover all area of Pakistan by their own so they have so many whole sellers and
agencies to assure their customers for availability of coca cola products.
For providing their product in good manner company has provided infrastructure these
· Vizi cooler
· Freezers
· Display racks
· Free empty bottles and shells for bottles
Coca cola company use different mediums
· Print media
· Pos material
· Tv commercial
· Billboards and holdings
Print Media
They often use print media for advertisement. They have a separate department for print
POS Material
Pos material mean point of sale material this includes: posters and stickers display in the
stores and in different areas.
TV Commercials
As everybody know that TV is a most common entertaining medium so TV commercials is
one of the most attractive way of doing advertisement. So Coca Cola Company does
regular TV commercials on different channels.
Billboards And Holdings
Coca cola is very much conscious about their billboards and holdings. They have so many
sites in different locations for their billboards.
Every thing starts from the attitude of consumer’s behavior. And the basic key to attract the
consumers is to throw the “money away”.
And positive feeling felling with the brand, which they used to have Coke wants to advertise
their products heavily in the coming year. And it will take the 10% of their profits. And when
we take it as a global level it is $ I billion.
Coming year is the challenging year for the industry of Coke. They have to take lots of
decisions that how to increase the production and where they have to spend money.
For gaining success in coming year they have to have some important things like:
1. Loyal consumers are important for company’s success.
2. Workers should be the brand centric not the promotion centric.
3. They should know how much to for the brand activities.
4. They should also know that how much to do with the promotion activities for brand.
Coke determines its yearly budget by the
· Sales volume
· Profitability
· Target volume
Sales Volume
Coke determines its yearly budget through the sales volume. They first concentrate on the
thing is “what is the condition of their sales?” if the condition is good of their sales then they
definitely increase their production and sales volume. Otherwise they concentrate on their
old strategies.
The second thing through which they determines budget is the “profit” .if they r getting
profits with the high margin, then they definitely want to increase their profits in the next
coming year. Every organization runs on the basis of getting high profits. No organization
wants to face Loss in their business. To get profit is the first priority of the Coke.
Target Volume:
To run the business every industry has some targets, which they want to achieve in a
specific time period. If industry achieves those goals in that period then for the coming year
it increases the volume of the target.
So Coke Follow the same thing it has also some goals and targets to achieve in the given
time period. When they succeed to achieve that target then they increase their target
volume in the next year.
Coca-Cola Cricket
Cricket the most sought after; watched & played game in Pakistan .the game of cricket has
been owned by various brands in the industry for the promotion of their products over a
period of time. It has ranged from tobacco to lubricants to communication companies to
banks to airlines & lately to the beverage industry. The competition has become tougher &
tougher as the time has progressed.
Coca-Cola signed a sponsorship agreement with eight of Pakistan’s National cricket
players. Coca-Cola realizing the fact that cricket is a very strong element by which it can
reach it consumers & masses invested in the opportunity and launched a massive
campaign on mass media showing all these cricket stars endorsing & complimenting Coca-
Cola brand. The Coca-Cola Company developed three TV commercials & four testimonial
ads with the player & ran them on the national net work during various cricket matches.
These bold steps taken by the Coca-Cola marketing unit acclaimed them many
acknowledgements across the board. This campaign helped Coca-Cola to establish its
association with the game & the player.
Coca-Cola Concerts
Abrar-ul-haq’s distinct style, lyrics & songs have made him an instant hit among the
masses in Pakistan. His enormous popularity in the country & abroad is supported by
Coca-Cola’s commitment towards providing healthy & fun-filled entertainment for the youth
of Pakistan. Coca-Cola brought Abrar to his fans through holding concerts & featuring
Abrar in a much-appreciated TVC & MMT featured throughout the country.
The TVC campaign focused on the hectic lifestyle of a pop star who found respite & relief
through Coca-Cola in short moments that he had to himself during a concert. Coca-Cola’s
brand positioning of providing deep down refreshment for the body, soul & mind were
captured accurately in the TVC & depicted aptly how the drink completes the moment for
Coca-Cola Food Mela
With a splash of food, fun & prizes to be won, the Coca-Cola food mela treated the people
of Karachi, to a festive food festival comprising of 50 restaurants, spread out all over the
bustling city’s map. The promotion saw the avid families & friends enjoying the delicacies at
the restaurants; all resiliently upholding the Coca-Cola identity.
Coca-Cola Basant Festival
In February the month of basant the parks & horticulture authority in Lahore nominated
Coca-Cola the official sponsor of the basant festival .Coca-Cola added to the carnival
atmosphere by making the festival free to enter & decorating all main roads in Lahore with
illuminated kites. Coca-Cola also hosted a concert of pop idol Abrar-ul-haq, had children’s
parade & held the Coca-Cola kite flying championship during the basant festival. Now
“where there is basant there is Coca-Cola”, it has been impossible to envisage basant
without Coca-Cola. Coca-Cola give the more refreshing flavor to the colors of basant by
adding more life to the festival, giving the consumer a unique experience which they had
never tasted before.
Coca-Cola GO-RED
Quenching the thirst of motorist, pedestrians & passerby’s during Lahore’s hottest summer
season, Coca-Cola’s “GO-RED” teams went out into the cities main quadrants to “serve &
refresh” on the spot with ice-cold Coca-Colas at discounted prices backed by a heavy FM
announcement campaign the “GO-RED” stall, served well to promote the Coca-Cola
Coca-Cola Party in a Park
In June 2000, Coca-Cola created an experiential musical evening in Lahore, where Junoon
performed. This program was recorded and one-hour program shown in the national TV for
free.10 million households saw Coca-Cola ‘Party in a Park’ while 10 thousand people
attended the event.
Coca-Cola Shopping Festival
Coca-Cola hosted “The Coca-Cola Shopping Festival” Lahore’s first shopping festival, a
resounding success with tempting discounts, live music, great prizes & fire works. Liberty
marketing Gulberg was a hive of activity during the weeklong shopping extravaganza. The
in augural event proved so popular that it is now set to become an annual fixture.
Coca-Cola Pet Promotion
In 1996, Coca-Cola launched 1.5 liter Pet contour bottle for the first time in Pakistan.
Targeting house wives & family home, Coca-Cola’s 1.5 liter Pet bottle, took the limelight &
gained momentum with a campaign promoting the unique packaging and its numerous
consumer benefits .A treat for the family, Coca-Cola’s PET was offered through a “price-off”
promotion that said……….Go out & get some
Coca-Cola Ramzan Campaign
A very special occasion for the people of Pakistan Ramzan saw another very special Coca-
Cola’s promotion, marketing the popular 1.5 liter PET bottle & the 1 liter bottle with a super
price-off promotion. The emphasis on enjoying Coca-Cola at “Iftar” with friends & family.
Coca-Cola Wonder of the World Promotion
In July 2000, Coca-Cola set the stage of the grand UTC promotion. Coca-Cola went ahead
with the idea of giving consumer chances to win fabulous, magical “dream vacation” to
numerous “wonder destination” throughout the world on every purchase of a 250 ml RGB
bottle of Coca-Cola, Sprite, & Fanta.The promotion gave consumers a chance to win free
drink, a trip to PARIS, HOLLYWOOD, NEWYORK, SINGAPORE & CAIRO along with
airfare & four nights free stay in these dream lands. The promotion saw avid consumer
collecting Coca-Cola ‘Crown caps’ & sparked a keen response from the public , rendering
an outstanding testimonial campaign in the second phase, highlighting the winners over
whelmed in the magical delight of their favorite beverage Coca-Cola.
Coca-Cola & Nokia
In August 2001, the new under-the-crown promotion “Nikla Kiya?”(What have u won) was
launched in collaboration with Chimera Nokia.The promotion gave consumer a chance to
win thousand’s of Coca-Cola branded Nokia 3310 cellular phones on every purchase of
750ml RGB bottle of Coca-Cola ,Sprite, & Fanta.The other highlight of promotion was the
“Caught Red Handed” campaign. Branded Coca-Cola with ‘caught red handed’ team in
them went to Lahore & Karachi for three days, with target that anyone being caught
drinking Coca-Cola will be awarded a nokia 3310 mobile phone & if someone is caught
talking on a nokia mobile will win free supply of Coca-Cola. Caught red handed become a
huge success among the masses as it was one to one interaction between the Coca-Cola
brand & the consumers. This activity helped billed confidence and brand loyalty among
core consumers.
Coca Cola TV Mazza
The coca cola new campaign is coca cola tv mazza, it is a utc scheme in which people are
getting television sets of different sizes. These days this scheme is very popular among the
Coca-Cola & Mc Donald’s
Coca-Cola & key account of MC Donald’s launched the “we go together” joint promotion to
reinstate amongst consumers a real sense of the affinity that, both shares globally. The
promotion kicked off with pos material (Danglers, Bunting etc) displayed at all MC Donald’s
restaurants along with a special offer for coke & fries.
Fanta & Sprite Launched
In November 2000moving on to the Sprite & Fanta brands, the consumers in Pakistan
witnessed a soft launch in essence. The Coca-Cola Company declared the new “Non-
Returnable” bottles of Sprite & Fanta as the “New, On the Go Packs” flaunting the
innovative packaging convenience. Fanta & Sprite are sure to enjoy considerable success
in Pakistan.
Diet Coke
After the acquisition of the individual local franchise bottling facilities in 1996, the company
has successfully launched its first new product, diet coke, for the first time in almost 3
years. The was linked with three fashion shows as Diet Coke is related to fashion & fitness,
but the major hit was thematic fashion shows in restaurants, which are the key accounts of
the company as this has been never done before in Pakistan.
After thorough research, we come to the conclusion that the marketing strategy of
Coca Cola is working for them and the product is gaining popularity among youth
day by day.
After completing our project we have concluded some recommendation for the coca
cola company, which are following.
· Coca Cola Company should try to emphasis more on providing their
infrastructure in the market to facilitate their customers.
· According to the survey, conducted by the international firm Pakistani people
like little bit sweeter cola drink. So for this coca cola company should produce
their product according to the local demand.
· Marketing team should try to increase the availability of Coke in rural areas.
· They should also focus the old people.
· Now young generation has a trend to drink a coke 2 regular bottles at same
time, so providing more satisfaction to them company should introduce ½ liter
disposable bottle.
There are four variables, which we will discuss in our report, they are:
Political variables Strongly
Some what
+ -
Some what
Effects of government
regulations &
Effect of environmental
protection laws if any
Import and export
Effect of political
conditions in certain
countries of Coke
Any effect of election,
military take over,
Revolution at Coke
Conclusion Of Political Analysis:
As far as the above table is concerned it could be seen that there are very little
chances of “political variables” to effect the coke’s production and selling behavior.
In the “political variables” most of the things are related to Governmental activities.
So, they don’t leave any good or bad impact in the Industry of coke.
And there are some exceptional things like: “environmental protection laws” they
some what effect the industry of Coke. From last two years Government is going to
be really very much conscious about the environment. But after making the
adjustments in plants and applying the proper way of wastage the chances of being
affected by the “protection laws” are going to be diminished. So it impact good for
the Coke’s reputation. And the second thing in political variables which effects Coke
is “elections & military take over” Because in the days of elections and marshal
law’s condition the countries production in any field is declined. So it affects slightly
the revolution of Coke.
So “political conditions” are over all leave neutral effects on coke’s industry.
Economical Variables Strongly
Some what
+ -
Some what
Do soaring interest rates
make business task any
Any effect due to
Anything done to reduce
Any effect of 11th
September 2001,
incident at Coke in
Conclusion Of Economical Analysis
It could be seen that “economical variables” highly affects the Coke’s resolution. Economic
factors are those actors who effect the production of any industry. So, Coke is not the out of
question. If the economic conditions of the country is not that strong and Coke increases its
Price in this situation. Then it would impact highly negative. And inflation is also not a good
position for any country’s production point of view. It also impacts highly negative in the
Coke’s production.
And as a country concerned like “Pakistan” where the unemployment rate is very much
high. The Coca-Cola system in Pakistan employs 1,800 people. During the last 2 years, the
Coca-Cola system in Pakistan has involved over $130 million (U.S).
When we draw the conclusion of “economic variables”. Then we come to know that if
economic variables are in the favorable position of country then they impact good other
wise the impact highly bad.

The Coca-Cola Company has always believed that education is a powerful force in
improving the quality of life and creating opportunity for people and their families around the
The Coca-Cola Company is committed to helping people make their dreams come true. All
over the world, we are involved in innovative programs that give hard-working, Knowledgehungry
students books, supplies, places to study and scholarships. From youth in Brazil to
first generation scholars, educational programs in local communities are our priority.
A large part or our relationship with the world around us is our relationship with the physical
world. While we have always sought to be sensitive to the environment, we must use our
significant resources and capabilities to provide active leadership on environmental issues,
particularly those relevant to our business. We want the world we share to be clean and
beautiful. We are always innovating to bring you different delicious beverages. This same
spirit of innovation comes alive in our environment programs. We’re committed to
preserving our environment, from use of more than $ 2 billion (U.S) a year in recycling
content and suppliers, and environment
Management initiatives, down to very local neighborhood collection and beautification
efforts. Here’s a sample of what we’re doing in different communities around the world
regarding the conservation of water and natural resources, climate changes, waste
environment education.

The Coca-Cola system in Pakistan operates through eight bottlers. Four of which are
majority-owned by Coca-Cola Beverages Pakistan Limited (CCBPL).
In 2000, when eastern Pakistan suffered its worst droughts, The Coca-Cola system initiated
a famine-relief program to help victims and was the first private-sector company to assist.
The Coca-Cola system in Pakistan initiated a voluntary Hajj program that allows one
employee from each plant, selected through a draw, to be sent on the Holy Pilgrimage to
Mecca at the Company’s expense.

After our studies and analysis of CCBPL (Coca-Cola Beverages Private Limited), we came
up with the very interesting report of facts and figures. Coca-Cola is no doubt one of the
most popular beverage company and its product COKE is one of most consumed cola
drink. They spend billion of dollars on their advertisement, promotions and recreational
Coca-Cola is a close competitor of Pepsi and it certainly gives its rival a tough time. Coca-
Cola is a 27% shareholder in the Pakistan market and they don’t want to stop here!! Its
target market is to achieve a much higher %age. Coca-Cola has about 2000 employees at
Pakistani plants. Lahore plant of Coca-Cola is one of the beautiful plant in Asia, Situated on
Raiwand Road.
Coca-Cola has always had a close consumer and supplier relationship with its customers.
Its entertaining and colorful advertisements have always and will always rock the media.
Pakistani rock stars, sportmen and actors have played a very vital role in making Coca-
Cola such a popular beverage.

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